Thursday 3 February 2011

The Wombles - A Book Review by Jack

Once upon a time the Wombles went to live on – or rather under – Wimbledon common in South-West London. There may be other Womble families in other parts of the world. In fact there are – but the Wombles like to keep themselves to themselves, so once they’ve made a move and built themselves a comfortable waterproof burrow they tend to stay where they are. The head of the Womble family is Great Uncle Bulgaria.

He is very old indeed and his fur has turned snow white and he feels the cold rather badly. So during the winter months he mostly sits in his own room in a large rocking chair wearing a ragged cloak and two pairs of spectacles. He uses one pair for reading the Times newspaper and the other for looking down on naughty children. The reason he has such an odd name is because he has a big atlas which every Womble chooses their name from. Bungo Womble chose his name with his eyes closed.

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