Check List for the Start of Term

Yes, it's that time of the year again when we have to dig out last year's muddy rugby boots only to find that they are too small, organise the last minute haircut and try and find that missing jumper that might be lurking at the bottom of the well worn school bag. Whilst you are discarding the crumpled pieces of paper and discovering certificates and invitations that are a pleasant (or belated) surprise, you may be wanting to draw up a shopping list. I have added the school requirements below to help you with this task.

Pencil Case Checklist
The essentials:
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • rubber
  • 30cm ruler
  • blue ink pen (not biro)
  • coloured pencils
The voluntary extras that would make the teachers happy:
  • scissors
  • glue
  • spare hairties for those girls with long hair
  • dictionary and thesuarus - check with your class teacher if you are not sure which would the most suitable version for your child)
  • felt tips
  • highlighter

School bags - one for books and one for sport
Uniform Checklist: 

All items of clothing except shoes and boots may be purchased from the school supplier via Schoolblazer at

Those items marked below with an asterisk are regulation styles and/or colours and should be bought online via the link above. All items should be clearly marked, where possible using name tapes that must be sewn, not stuck in. Schoolblazer will label all items bought from them.

Boys and Girls – Pupils in Junior 3 to Junior 6

* Rendcomb navy crested v-neck

* Rendcomb College school tie

* Blue shirt / blouse (for best uniform)

* Rendcomb red long sleeve polo / red short sleeve polo

* Reversible Stormproof Jacket

*Navy Crested Fleece (optional)

* Packaway Waterproof Navy Jacket (optional)

* Rendcomb College scarf (optional)

* Rendcomb College baseball cap (optional)

Black shoes

*Rendcomb crested hoodie

*Tracksuit bottoms

* Junior white crested polo

* Reversible rugby shirt (optional for girls)

* Rendcomb games socks, navy with red/navy/amber turnover top

PE shorts white

White gym ankle socks

Astro-turf boots or training shoes (for games on the astro-turf pitch)

Indoor training shoes or gym shoes (predominantly white) for use in the Sports Hall



Football boots (for games on grass)

* School Elasticated Trousers, charcoal grey

Regulation navy rugby shorts

Swimming trunks – black or navy (Speedo style)

Socks - grey


* Regulation junior girls skirt

* Games skirt, navy

Swimming costume (navy blue or black)

*Navy Swim Cap

Socks, long red and/ or red tights


Compulsory Miscellaneous Items

Mouthguards (gum shield)

Shinguards – winter only.

Name tapes


Summer Uniform


* Girls - Regulation summer dress, white ankle socks, navy jumper.

* Boys - Grey shorts – optional, red polo top, navy jumper.


Please note: re: Cricket - Boys - Yrs 2 - 6


1. Boys are not expected to have cricket whites unless they play for the school team.

2. It is a national requirement for boys (J5 & J6) to wear helmets when batting using a hard ball in cricket. We will provide helmets but you may prefer your son to have his own.
3. A box for J5 & J6 is vital equipment however. This should be worn in a proper box ‘strap’ or ‘box’ pants, or between two pairs of briefs.