Tuesday 25 January 2011

Pablo Gets Lost by Philip HJ in J5

There was once a little blue penguin called Pablo who wanted see a shark. The only problem was that he didn't want to go into the water for there were too many animals that might want to eat him. But, he had an idea.

While Mother Penguin was telling off the other hatchlings, Pablo quickly raced out of the igloo. He was planning to go to the highest iceberg in Antartica so that he could have a good view over the sea.

He raced through snowy blizzards, he raced passed penguin town and finally he slowed down to have a rest. He could see the highest iceberg in Antartica. He made a final leap and clung onto the top of the iceberg. Right below him, there were six sharks circling the iceberg. Suddenly, Pablo slipped and screeched for help. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his Mummy coming to rescue him. In fact, it was not Mummy Penguin it was Daddy Penguin. Pablo's Daddy scooped him up in his flippers and took him back home.

Now Pablo knows not to go off by himself again.

Philip would like positive suggestions for how he could make this super story even better.

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