Monday 6 June 2011

Haiku by Philip

The life of a tree

          Once a small sapling,

Now gazing down at the world,

Swaying in the breeze

Outdoor Week Story from Grace

(I made this story up because during eco week we are learning about bees.)

                  “Bees of Bee Land prepare to greet your queen!”

           “Wasps of Wasp Land prepare to greet your king!”

           “Ah my bees I, I have some very depressing news for you, we are at war. At war with the wasps.” Queen Buzzerella (Queen of the bees) told her swarm.

          “My dear wasps, I have some very exciting news. We are at war with the one sting deady weady bees!” King Wasplium the conqueror cried.

Bees can only sting once then they die. They don’t like it when the wasps declare war because most of the warriors die in the war. The wasps however love war because they can sting as many times as they like but they will not die. King Wasplium the conqueror calls the bees ‘the one sting deady weady bees’. 

                   Five days later it was chaos between the two hives because of the war. The sad news is that the Queen of bees died so Prince Casper stepped in to ‘bee’ King. King Wasplium the conqueror didn’t like fighting another King (especially when he was better at fighting) so he stepped down and made his daughter Buzzerina the queen. Casper and Buzzerina became good friends and decided to stop the war and get married. The war became very famous throughout the time when bees and wasps were friends. The war became known as the friendship war because bees and wasps became friends, all thanks to a war. Sounds odd but actually is true.

The End

Princess Buzzerina

                                        Prince Casper